In Print
Cover of Goulielmos Telos
Paidika biblia

Goulielmos Telos

Friedrich Schiller Erevnites ISBN: 978-960-368-318-6

Athens, 2004

In Print
Cover of Pagos
Xeni logotechnia


Perikles Monioudis Hestia Publishers ISBN: 978-960-05-1052-2

Athens, 2002

In Print
Cover of Me e-mail ston ebdomo ourano
In Print
Cover of As pethaina apo erota
Xeni logotechnia

As pethaina apo erota

Simone Meier Empiria ISBN: 978-960-417-019-7

Athens, 2003

In Print
Cover of Olumpiaki kai athlitiki paideia
In Print
Cover of Anamniseis apo ton Igkor Strabinski

Anamniseis apo ton Igkor Strabinski

Charles Ramuz Printa ISBN: 978-960-7408-76-1

Athens, 2003

In Print
Cover of Zontas tin prodosia
Xeni logotechnia

Zontas tin prodosia

Clémence Biéville Empiria ISBN: 978-960-7919-49-6

Athens, 2003