In Print
Cover of I Chainti stin poli
In Print
Cover of Dikaii pagkosmiopoiisi
Koinonikes epistimes

Dikaii pagkosmiopoiisi

Dionikos ISBN: 978-960-6619-00-7

Athens, 2004

In Print
Cover of Chainti
Paidika biblia


Johanna Spyri Erevnites ISBN: 978-960-368-263-9

Athens, 2003

In Print
Cover of Klee


Susanna Partsch Gnosis ISBN: 978-960-235-701-9

Athens, 2005

In Print
Cover of Taxidi ston Atho

Taxidi ston Atho

Christopher Merrill Metaichmio ISBN: 978-960-375-851-8

Athens, 2005

In Print
Cover of Makru Sabbatokuriako sto Longk Ailant
In Print
Cover of Stous kolpous ton poleon
In Print
Cover of Me tin ammo sta matia
In Print
Cover of Protection and Restoration of the Environment IV
In Print
Cover of Tesseris eikones agapis
Xeni logotechnia

Tesseris eikones agapis

Lukas Bärfuss Nefeli ISBN: 978-960-211-739-2

Athens, 2004