In Print
Cover of O kastananthropos
In Print
Cover of I basilissa tou chioniou

I basilissa tou chioniou

Hans Andersen Chartini Poli ISBN: 978-960-621-654-1

Athens, 2021

In Print
Cover of To chalasmeno tilefono

To chalasmeno tilefono

Morten Dürr Ilibaton ISBN: 978-960-8085-24-4

Athens, 2021

In Print
Cover of To tuflo alogo

To tuflo alogo

Iben Nagel Rasmussen Dodoni ISBN: 978-960-558-322-4

Athens, 2022

In Print
Cover of Ntekor
Pliroforiki & upologistes


Bjørn Rasmussen Paraxenes Meres ISBN: 978-618-5278-70-0

Rethymno, 2021

In Print
Cover of To elato

To elato

Hans Andersen Sokoli ISBN: 978-960-637-064-9

Athens, 2022

In Print
Cover of To kolaro
In Print
Cover of DRUK_Aspro pato
In Print
Cover of Alfabito
Pliroforiki & upologistes


Inger Christensen Saixpirikon ISBN: 978-618-5692-11-7

Thessaloniki, 2022

In Print
Cover of I klironomos
Pliroforiki & upologistes

I klironomos

Sara Blaedel Pedio ISBN: 978-960-635-671-1

Athens, 2023