In Print
Cover of Ta amesa dedomena tis suneidisis
In Print
Cover of I anelpisti
Xeni logotechnia

I anelpisti

Christian Bobin 21st Century ISBN: 978-960-7058-73-7

Athens, 1998

Cover of To biblio tis gunaikas
Out of Print
Cover of Exigontas ti dimokratia stin kori mou
In Print
Cover of Kafka
Xeni logotechnia


Gilles Deleuze Kastaniotis ISBN: 978-960-03-2328-3

Athens, 1998

In Print
Cover of Me tin upografi Malro
In Print
Cover of Episkepsi stin Akropoli
Out of Print
Cover of Ken Loach
In Print
Cover of Siopili marturas
Xeni logotechnia

Siopili marturas

Brigitte Aubert Libro Publishers ISBN: 978-960-490-017-6

Athens, 1998

Out of Print
Cover of Ena pathos stin erimo