Cover of book I aporripsi

I aporripsi

13 anekdota diigimata

category: Xeni logotechnia Publisher: Epicouros Publish date: 01/01/1971


  • Series title: Logotechnia Simera
  • Type: Book
  • Cover: Paper-bound
  • Pages: 59


[...] "Ach", eipe to pontiki, "o kosmos ginetai kathe mera kai stenoteros. Prota itan toso platus, pou ego fobomoun, etrecha kai imoun eutuchismeno pou telika eblepa dexia kai aristera sto bathos toichous, alla autoi oi makrinoi toichoi kleinoun toso grigora metaxu tous, oste ego briskomai kiolas sto teleutaio domatio, ki ekei sti gonia stekei i pagida pou tha trexo mesa tis" [...] (Apospasma apo to diigima "Mikro paramuthi").