Cover of book Processes of Social Restructuring in Piraeus

Processes of Social Restructuring in Piraeus

Diadikasíes Koinonikoú Metaschimatismoú Ston Peiraiá

Movements, Family, Work

category: Koinonikes epistimes Publisher: National Centre for Social Research Publish date: 01/01/1998


  • Type: Book
  • Cover: Paper-bound
  • Pages: 316


The first volume of the Social and Economic Atlas of Greece is devoted to urban areas. The main Greek cities, and Athens in particular, are extensively mapped, and interpretations are presented on important phenomena related to post-war urbanization. The material is organized in two-page thematic dossiers, articulated in broader chapters on urbanization processes and outcomes in a context of very rapid urban growth. The chapters: i. Urbanization and the urban network, ii. The built environment of urban growth, iii. Social structures, demographic structures and employment, iv. Social services and infrastructure, v. The electoral geography of cities.