Cover of book Modern European Literature, Suggestions of Interpretation

Modern European Literature, Suggestions of Interpretation

Neóteri Evropaïkí Logotechnía, Protáseis Ermineías

category: Logotechnia Publisher: Kastaniotis Publish date: 01/03/1999


  • Series title: The Book in Education
  • Type: Book
  • Cover: Paper-bound
  • Pages: 598


Suggestions of Interpretation is an attempt to get in touch with 78 texts by European poets and fiction writers. Among them, one will find Dante Alighieri, William Shakespeare, Dionysios Solomos, T.S. Eliot, Federico Garcia Lorca, Leo Tolstoi, Frantz Kafka, Italo Calvino, and others. Reconciled with the awareness that every interpretation inevitably involves the element of the subjective, the authors of Suggestions of Interpretation trace the meaning of the selected texts and state their own views, this way making it easier for the reader to develop his or her personal relationship to the text.