Cover of book Towards an Islamic Minimum

Towards an Islamic Minimum

Islám Kai Anthrópina Dikaiómata

A Political Essay on Islam and its Relationship with UN Standars of Human Rights

category: Thriskeia Publisher: Dorkas Publish date: 01/01/2002


  • Edition num.: 1
  • First publish date: 01/01/2002
  • Area: Athens
  • Availability: In Print
  • Language: English
  • Translated from: English
  • Subject:
  • Type: Book
  • Cover: Paper-bound
  • Pages: 90


Jesus said: “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my followers should fight to protect me from being surrendered to the Hebrew authorities. No, my kingdom does not belong to this world”. On the other hand, Islam is the exact opposite. Mohamed not only was the “Prophet” of God but also the head of the state that he himself created. The kingdom of Allah belongs to the “other world” as much as it does to this one. “Since Islam constitutes the seal of religions, it must form the guide for all facets of life” (G. Desfuli). This antithesis to the Gospel is very characteristically expressed in the words of the “Prophet” in the Koran (V,3): “Today I perfected your religion and I handed over to you all the world’s treasures. For you, I turned Islam into a religion...”.