In Print
Cover of Byzantinische Kunst in Griechenland
In Print
Cover of Byzantine Art in Greece

Byzantine Art in Greece

Melissa Publishing House ISBN: 978-960-204-047-8

Athens, 1985

In Print
Cover of Byzantine Art in Greece

Byzantine Art in Greece

Melissa Publishing House ISBN: 978-960-204-046-1

Athens, 1989

In Print
Cover of Byzantine Art in Greece

Byzantine Art in Greece

Melissa Publishing House ISBN: 978-960-204-029-4

Athens, 1997

In Print
Cover of Koitazo akouo diabazo
In Print
Cover of Peri technis

Peri technis

Johann Goethe Printa ISBN: 978-960-7408-08-2

Athens, 2001

In Print
Cover of Ti einai techni

Ti einai techni

Lev Tolstoj Printa ISBN: 978-960-7408-10-5

Athens, 2004

In Print
Cover of Logiki kai apolausi

Logiki kai apolausi

Jean Changeux Travlos ISBN: 978-960-7122-34-6

Athens, 1996

In Print
Cover of Kallitechniki sullogi tis Ethnikis Trapezas
In Print
Cover of The Human Form in Art