Out of Print
Cover of Fragments of Love
In Print
Cover of Anniversary Speeches

Anniversary Speeches

Panagiótis Baliátsas Ennoia ISBN: 978-960-7722-30-0

Athens, 1998

In Print
Cover of What is our Homeland?

What is our Homeland?

Collective Work Alexandria ISBN: 978-960-221-127-4

Athens, 1997

In Print
Cover of Praktikos odigos tou ekpaideuti

Praktikos odigos tou ekpaideuti

Didier Noyé Metaichmio ISBN: 978-960-375-013-0

Athens, 1999

Out of Print
Cover of Secondary Education and Teaching Staff
Out of Print
Cover of School Manuals

School Manuals

Achilléas Kapsális Ekfrasi ISBN: 978-960-7468-04-8

Athens, 1995

In Print
Cover of Proti anagnosi kai grafi

Proti anagnosi kai grafi

Ekfrasi ISBN: 978-960-7468-05-5

Athens, 1998