In Print
Cover of O thanatos tou Artemio Krous
Out of Print
Cover of To podilato tou Leonarnto
In Print
Cover of Augoustiatikes kataigides
In Print
Cover of Duo egklimata
Xeni logotechnia

Duo egklimata

Jorge Ibargüengoitia Kastaniotis ISBN: 978-960-03-0836-5

Athens, 1996

In Print
Cover of Choris aisio telos
In Print
Cover of Anazitontas ton Klingksor
Xeni logotechnia

Anazitontas ton Klingksor

Jorge Volpi Oceanida ISBN: 978-960-410-195-5

Athens, 2001

In Print
Cover of Ta chronia me ti Laoura Dias
In Print
Cover of Grigoros san ton potho
Xeni logotechnia

Grigoros san ton potho

Laura Esquivel Oceanida ISBN: 978-960-410-242-6

Athens, 2002

In Print
Cover of Gkalaor
Xeni logotechnia


Hugo Hiriart Kedros Publishers ISBN: 978-960-04-2282-5

Athens, 2003

In Print
Cover of To derma tou ouranou