In Print
Cover of I Ellada sti dekaetia 1940-1950
In Print
Cover of In War´s Maelstrom

In War´s Maelstrom

Pródromos Kertemelídis Arsenidis ISBN: 978-960-253-024-5

Athens, 1995

In Print
Cover of Makronisos
In Print
Cover of Dekembris tou '44

Dekembris tou '44

Collective Work Filistor ISBN: 978-960-369-011-5

Athens, 2000

In Print
Cover of Ptuches tou emfuliou polemou 1946 - 1949
In Print
Cover of Anatomy of a Tragedy

Anatomy of a Tragedy

Pétros Makrís Agkura ISBN: 978-960-234-747-8

Athens, 2000

In Print
Cover of Civil War in the Peloponnese