In Print
Cover of Ta leipsana tou Agiou Laurentiou
In Print
Cover of O Nitse sto mpalkoni
Xeni logotechnia

O Nitse sto mpalkoni

Carlos Fuentes Klidarithmos ISBN: 978-960-461-791-3

Athens, 2017

In Print
Cover of Ta leipsana tou Agiou Laurentiou
In Print
Cover of Komis Vlad
Xeni logotechnia

Komis Vlad

Carlos Fuentes Klidarithmos ISBN: 978-960-461-811-8

Athens, 2018

In Print
Cover of Xafnikos thanatos
Xeni logotechnia

Xafnikos thanatos

Álvaro Enrigue Alexandria ISBN: 978-960-221-780-1

Athens, 2018

In Print
Cover of San nero gia zesti sokolata
In Print
Cover of To krufo biblio tis Frinta Kalo
In Print
Cover of O marturas
Xeni logotechnia

O marturas

Juan Villoro Koukkida ISBN: 978-618-5333-43-0

Athens, 2019

In Print
Cover of To archeio ton chamenon paidion
In Print
Cover of Oi katadikasmenoi
Xeni logotechnia

Oi katadikasmenoi

Mariano Azuela Enupnio ISBN: 978-618-83824-8-0

Athens, 2019

In Print
Cover of To archeio ton chamenon paidion
In Print
Cover of Prosklitirio iroon
Xeni logotechnia

Prosklitirio iroon

Paco Taibo II Erma ISBN: 978-618-84891-1-0

Athens, 2020