In Print
Cover of O psuchiatros
Xeni logotechnia

O psuchiatros

Caleb Carr Kastaniotis ISBN: 978-960-03-1845-6

Athens, 1997

Out of Print
Cover of Play Back
Xeni logotechnia

Play Back

Raymond Chandler Exandas ISBN: 978-960-256-219-2

Athens, 1995

In Print
Cover of To allithoro arkoudaki
Xeni logotechnia

To allithoro arkoudaki

Ed McBain Kastaniotis ISBN: 978-960-03-2546-1

Athens, 1999

In Print
Cover of Los Alamos
Xeni logotechnia

Los Alamos

Joseph Kanon Kastaniotis ISBN: 978-960-03-2520-1

Athens, 1999

Out of Print
Cover of 48 Small Hours
Elliniki logotechnia

48 Small Hours

Sotíris Kakísis Exandas ISBN: 978-960-256-297-0

Athens, 1997

Out of Print
Cover of To imerologio tis Ήntith
In Print
Cover of O choros tis arkoudas
In Print
Cover of Nuchta fonou