In Print
Cover of Peri erotos

Peri erotos

Francesco Alberoni Psichogios ISBN: 978-960-274-240-2

Athens, 1999

In Print
Cover of Eros
Koinonikes epistimes


Bruce Thornton Oxu - Brainfood ISBN: 978-960-7614-69-8

Athens, 2007

Out of Print
Cover of I epilogi ston erota

I epilogi ston erota

Ortega y Gasset José Roes ISBN: 978-960-283-045-1

Athens, 1998

Out of Print
Cover of Ta pathi tou erota
Xeni logotechnia

Ta pathi tou erota

Blaise Pascal Roes ISBN: 978-960-283-064-2

Athens, 1998

In Print
Cover of Love Life of the Anciet Greeks

Love Life of the Anciet Greeks

Sofía Soúli Toubi's ISBN: 978-960-540-223-5

Athens, 1997

In Print
Cover of I dipli floga
Koinonikes epistimes

I dipli floga

Octavio Paz Exandas ISBN: 978-960-256-294-9

Athens, 1996

In Print
Cover of O eros kai i dusi
Koinonikes epistimes

O eros kai i dusi

Denis Rougemont Indiktos ISBN: 978-960-518-006-5

Athens, 2002