In Print
Cover of I despoinis Smila diabazei to chioni
In Print
Cover of Konta sta oria
Xeni logotechnia

Konta sta oria

Peter Hoeg Psichogios ISBN: 978-960-274-225-9

Athens, 1997

In Print
Cover of Aggelikoi ekdikites
Xeni logotechnia

Aggelikoi ekdikites

Karen Blixen Astarti ISBN: 978-960-263-021-1

Athens, 1993

In Print
Cover of Ta paidia tou cheimona
Xeni logotechnia

Ta paidia tou cheimona

Dea Trier Morch Psichogios ISBN: 978-960-7021-49-6

Athens, 1989

In Print
Cover of Pele o kataktitis
In Print
Cover of Eikoniki pragmatikotita
Xeni logotechnia

Eikoniki pragmatikotita

Michael Larsen Odysseas ISBN: 978-960-210-238-1

Athens, 1995

In Print
Cover of I kampana tis Makedonias
Xeni logotechnia

I kampana tis Makedonias

Knud Thomsen Kalendis ISBN: 978-960-219-028-9

Athens, 1992

In Print
Cover of I gunaika kai o pithikos
Xeni logotechnia

I gunaika kai o pithikos

Peter Hoeg Psichogios ISBN: 978-960-274-325-6

Athens, 2000

In Print
Cover of I imera tis kriseos