In Print
Cover of O Litouma stis Andeis
Xeni logotechnia

O Litouma stis Andeis

Mario Vargas Llosa Exandas ISBN: 978-960-256-337-3

Athens, 1998

In Print
Cover of Mia istoria gia ton Mauta
In Print
Cover of I poli kai ta skulia
In Print
Cover of Min to peis se kanenan
Xeni logotechnia

Min to peis se kanenan

Jaime Bayly Psichogios ISBN: 978-960-274-217-4

Athens, 1997

In Print
Cover of Poios skotose ton Palomino Molero;
In Print
Cover of O akinitos choros
Xeni logotechnia

O akinitos choros

Manuel Scorza Kastaniotis ISBN: 978-960-03-0362-9

Athens, 1990

Cover of Mitrias egkomio
Xeni logotechnia

Mitrias egkomio

Mario Vargas Llosa Oceanida ISBN: 978-960-7213-34-1

Athens, 1991

In Print
Cover of Mitrias egkomio
In Print
Cover of Ta tetradia tou don Rigoberto
In Print
Cover of I giorti tou tragou