In Print
Cover of Anatomy of the 1940-1941 Epic

Anatomy of the 1940-1941 Epic

Lázaros Arseníou Dodoni ISBN: 978-960-248-844-7

Athens, 1998

In Print
Cover of Akoma mia anoixi

Akoma mia anoixi

Panagiótis Kaléllis Attika Grammata ISBN: 978-960-7877-01-7

Athens, 1998

Out of Print
Cover of Memories of a Partisan

Memories of a Partisan

Giórgis Moraΐtis Kastaniotis ISBN: 978-960-03-2427-3

Athens, 1999

In Print
Cover of Never Erase Traces

Never Erase Traces

Paratiritis ISBN: 978-960-374-014-8

Thessaloniki, 1999

Out of Print
Cover of O agonistis pou den anagnoristike

O agonistis pou den anagnoristike

Fótios Sýrmos Dodoni ISBN: 978-960-248-955-0

Athens, 1998

In Print
Cover of Boetia in the Struggle
In Print
Cover of Thessaly in the Resistance

Thessaly in the Resistance

Lázaros Arseníou Ella ISBN: 978-960-7691-18-7

Larisa, 1999

In Print
Cover of Thessaly in the Resistance

Thessaly in the Resistance

Lázaros Arseníou Ella ISBN: 978-960-7691-19-4

Larisa, 1999