In Print
Cover of De profundis, argo bals
In Print
Cover of I agogi tou stoikou
Xeni logotechnia

I agogi tou stoikou

Fernando Pessoa Roes ISBN: 978-960-283-229-5

Athens, 2006

In Print
Cover of To tetradio
Xeni logotechnia

To tetradio

José Saramago Kastaniotis ISBN: 978-960-03-5043-2

Athens, 2010

In Print
Cover of Lisabona
Xeni logotechnia


Fernando Pessoa Roes ISBN: 978-960-283-333-9

Athens, 2011

In Print
Cover of To teleutaio tetradio
Xeni logotechnia

To teleutaio tetradio

José Saramago Kastaniotis ISBN: 978-960-03-5345-7

Athens, 2011

In Print
Cover of Bioleta i Gnorizo tin agapi ex akois
In Print
Cover of I apologia tou Lousio
Xeni logotechnia

I apologia tou Lousio

Mário Sá-Carneiro Nisos ISBN: 978-960-9535-33-5

Athens, 2012

In Print
Cover of O Lisabona, spiti mou!
Xeni logotechnia

O Lisabona, spiti mou!

Fernando Pessoa Gutenberg ISBN: 978-960-01-1827-8

Athens, 2016

In Print
Cover of Parafrosuni
Pliroforiki & upologistes


Mário Sá-Carneiro Stigmos ISBN: 978-618-5640-02-6

Athens, 2022